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What are the eligibility requirements of this co-op?
Families must have at least one child who is at least seven years old by December 31st of that academic year. Each family must complete one year of homeschooling before applying as well. Full participation is required. A parent must be able to remain on campus for the duration of the co-op day and work as a main teacher in at least one class and a class helper or floater in other classes. Families are expected to miss no more than two planned absences per academic year.
Where and when does the co-op meet?
The co-op meets at Zoar Baptist Church in Central, LA on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our academic year begins in mid-August, and ends in late April or early May. We have 2 breaks in the fall, 2 breaks in the spring, and are off the entire month of December.
How much does the co-op cost?
The tentative annual family fee is $200 + $10 per person. Other costs include a class registration fee of $40 per family, books and supplies, activity costs (e.g., optional field trips), and supply fees for certain classes. Financial costs are kept at a minimum because the real cost for every member is their commitment, time, and effort to make this co-operative organization run effectively.