Registration is open for the 2025-26 academic year! Untitled Header Image

Policies - Basic Co-op Information

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1. *

Basic Co-op Information

Our co-op, founded under the name Berean North Homeschool Co-op, has been in operation since 2016. Our name comes from Acts 17:11 where the Christians in Berea were said to be of noble character because “they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day….”. In the same way, we, as homeschoolers, strive to give our children a life-long love of learning through high quality studies. Utilizing the gifts and talents of other families in the homeschool community is one good way to help accomplish this. In addition to our co-op classes, we plan field trips and special events throughout the year.

In 2019, our group changed its name to Cornerstone Homeschool Co-op.  As a co-op, we strive to keep Jesus Christ as the cornerstone and foundation of all that we say and do. 

"This is what the Lord says: Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation." Isaiah 28:16

Our co-op offers an environment of faith and a Christian worldview. As our meeting location is Zoar Baptist Church, we will adhere to the policies outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message ( regarding teaching content, behavior, speech, and general practices.

Times and Location:
Tuesdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Includes morning assembly, 4 classes, & lunch
Zoar Baptist Church, Central, LA

Homeschool Legal Defense Association:
Membership: Families who are members of HSLDA or are wishing to become members will receive a discount on the annual membership. Make sure to note Cornerstone Academic Resources, Inc., group #BP06278, as the Discount Group on the application. See for more information about benefits and services.

Insurance: The co-op carries liability and accident coverage for its members through HSLDA. Notify the co-op director immediately of any injury, damage to the buildings, property, furniture, etc. If there is an injury on campus, the policy will act as secondary coverage to a family’s medical coverage.

Campus Policies:

  • Immediately after classes end at 1:00, pick up 1st graders, Kindergarteners, Preschoolers and Nursery aged children from their classrooms or designated pickup locations.
  • Be sure all of your children's belongings are picked up and taken with you at the end of the co-op day. Any items left at co-op will be put in the Lost and Found and can be retrieved the following week.
  • Parents may bring clothes, books, household items, or other giveaways to the "Free Table" in the Teacher's Lounge area. Please be sure to take any unclaimed items with you at the end of the co-op day.
  • Each week several moms will be scheduled to provide snacks for the Teacher's Lounge. Refer to the snack schedule in the "Links" section of the website. Please label dishes with your name and take dishes and any leftover food with you at the end of the day.




What to Bring to co-op:

  • Students: Label everything including books, notebooks, lunch bags, water bottles, etc., with student’s name. Also label backpacks with the student’s schedule (on a luggage tag or laminated card stock) so, in the event that a student is not in the right place, adults can determine where the student should be.
    • General supplies for 2nd Grade & Up:
      • Backpack
      • Pens/pencils, pencil sharpener, colored pencils, crayons, scissors
      • Binder with dividers for each class, paper, initialed copy of Student Policy
      • Any other supplies required by individual classes
      • Water Bottle
      • Lunch
    • General Supplies for 1st grade, Kindergarten, Preschool:
      • Backpack
      • Pencils, pencil sharpener, colors, scissors, glue
      • Any other supplies required by your teacher
      • Water Bottle
      • Lunch
    • Supplies for Nursery:
      • Diaper Bag
      • Sippy Cup/ Bottle
      • Snacks
      • Diapers/ Wipes
      • Bib/Burp cloth
      • Extra clothes
      • Any personal items (blanket, pacifier, lovey) that will make your child feel at ease in the nursery


  • Teachers: Bring all supplies you will need for your class. This includes dry erase markers, supplies needed for projects or experiments, supplies needed for a snack to be served in class, etc. Please utilize your budget to purchase these items. There are some general office supplies located in the teachers lounge that you are welcome to use (copier, copy paper, 3-hole punch, staplers, sharpies, first aid kit).




 (1 required)
I understand the basic co-op information.