Welcome, visitors!
What are the eligibility requirements of this co-op?
Families must have at least one child who is at least seven years old by December 31st of that academic year. Each family must complete one year of homeschooling before applying as well. Full participation is required. A parent must be able to remain on campus for the duration of the co-op day and work as a main teacher in at least one class and a class helper or floater in other classes. Families are expected to miss no more than two planned absences per academic year.
Where and when does the co-op meet?
The co-op meets at Zoar Baptist Church in Central, LA on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our academic year begins in mid-August, and ends in late April or early May. We have 2 breaks in the fall, 2 breaks in the spring, and are off the entire month of December.
How much does the co-op cost?
The tentative annual family fee is $200 + $10 per person. Other costs include a class registration fee of $40 per family, books and supplies, activity costs (e.g., optional field trips), and supply fees for certain classes. Financial costs are kept at a minimum because the real cost for every member is their commitment, time, and effort to make this co-operative organization run effectively.
How does the application process work?
Applications are reviewed and considered according to the needs of the co-op. There are open spots in the co-op based on how many members leave from the previous year, so that number will vary each year. Applicants are encouraged to be very thorough when listing the areas in which they might be willing to teach, as this information is used to determine which persons might be a good fit for the co-op. Membership spots are not necessarily filled based on the order in which applications are received.
Can I enroll students who are not my children in the case that I am homeschooling or babysitting children from other families?
No. Parents (or guardians or homeschooling grandparents) are allowed to enroll only their own children for co-op.
Is this a religious organization?
We are a collection of families from a variety of Christian denominations who align our hearts and lives to reflect the example that Jesus left for us. Because we meet at Zoar Baptist Church, we adhere to the beliefs in the Baptist Faith and Message, as our purpose is to support each other in our homeschool endeavors through a Biblical worldview. You will find an environment of faith and a Christian worldview in all of our classes and activities. We start each day with praise and worship to God and a short devotional centered around the Bible. Prayer in Jesus name is central to all that we do as well.
Can a mother stay with her young children all day?
Parents with babies are usually assigned some time in the nursery, but in most cases, they work in other classrooms as well, without their babies or preschoolers since this is a distraction in the classroom and prohibits the mother from being fully engaged. Exceptions are understood with nursing babies upon request. If a child has separation anxiety or a mother is not comfortable leaving her child in the nursery or preschool, the family should pray about waiting to join co-op until this is no longer an issue.
Does the co-op accomodate children with special needs?
The co-op is staffed by parent volunteers. Generally they are not trained or equipped to teach students with mental and/or social challenges. For this reason, we are not able to enroll students with special needs at this time.
Does the co-op offer a complete curriculum?
Families can choose to put together classes to form a core curriculum for their children, take a full slate of enrichment classes, or anywhere in between. Our co-op classes are offered cafeteria style.
What kinds of classes does the co-op conduct?
Our co-op parents bring their gifts and talents to the group and offer an array of educational and enrichment classes. These classes will vary each year according to the needs and desires of the parents and the availability of teachers to meet those needs and desires. Typically we will offer core classes, including writing, social studies, science, and English, as well as a variety of enrichment classes, including P.E., art, music, drama, dance, cooking... and much more.
Children in Nursery through 1st grade will be in one contained class throughout the day, while children 2nd grade and up will be allowed to choose four different classes each year.
What does a typical co-op day look like?
We begin the day with an assembly for singing, a devotion, and announcements, then the students head off to their first classes. For students 2nd grade and up there are 4 class periods with a lunch break after 3rd period. Children in nursery through 1st grade will be in contained classes, participating in a variety of crafts, read aloud activities, and other fun educational activities throughout the day, but will join everyone else for the lunch period.
Parents are required to teach and help out in classes all day, but everyone gets one period off to grab some coffee and snacks and socialize in the parent lounge.
Are there other activities outside of class days?
Yes. Volunteers plan a variety of field trips throughout the year. We also conduct special events such as a market day and class performance days.
What are some ways that the co-op promotes unity and cooperation among the students?
We meet as a group at 9:00 each Tuesday morning for an assembly. During the year we also have various group activities, which might include themed dress-up days, a Thanksgiving Feast, a Christmas Party, a Valentine's Day card exchange, an Easter egg hunt, and Field Day.